Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Barter Books 3
Originally uploaded by A knight who says Ni
I am in this lull between writing what I want to write and writing what I write to earn my living. They are two separate things at the moment. What I am going to do once I quit therapy is give one day a week up to writing what I want to write. I want to allow those days to flow. At the moment I have such a lot of deadlines. But this writing will be much more of an "inner" project. A bit llike this blog. I like the fact that this feels private even though it is public. And that I can use it to try things out and see if I think they work. Mostly I think they don't but right now unlike with my paying work, it really doesn't matter. Not such a bad place to be.

1 comment:

Ed Newman said...

Yes, that IS the dilemma... having to choose to write what to pay bills over writing what you want (to express yourself or to change the world, or whatever.)
I wish you the best in "finding your voice."
I write about writing a lot on my blog. If you get in the mood check it out. http://pioneerproductions.blogspot.com/