Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fury and the washing up

I got very angry today about doing the washing up. I still can't process it actually. Just blind fury. And Mica is away this week. Also when the fairy was practising for her concert, I was moved to tears by the awfulness of so many of the kids. We just weren't allowed to be awful. We weren't allowed to do things that were bad. Excel or else...I wonder if the two things are linked. I can't see the link at the moment but I am upset and I really can't take it out on everyone around me who I love. Which I have done today...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The shimmering rain

Between the drafts of my speeches - I was up until 12 last night - I went for a walk with Bert in the rain. It's done now but as usual I am not happy. I don't like what I've written. I can't remember half of it. And I'm relying on Colin to edit it so it makes sense. I don't know if that is OK or not. I've also got a stack of other work to do before the weekend so it feels endless and pointless. The woods on the other hand were magical. The path through it looks just like this. And there is an oak tree in a clearing that gives off the most radiant, shimmering energy - it makes my eyes go into "no focus". Outside, it's still raining but we are home now with Bert curled up on the floor, fast asleep. He's dog tired...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The emperor

the emperor - ??
Originally uploaded by oolc.
Did the first tarot reading for myself since dad died - I kept getting the tower before that happened and didn't know what it was about. I've been a bit nervous about doing it since but finally I did. One thing that came up very strongly was the Emperor - and I found this interpretation. "Building one's dream. The creation and execution of personal power. The protective father figure. The determination to care for one's responsibilities." I like that! One of these days I am going to learn how to link out to other people's pages but until then I think I'll stay here in cyberspace on my own....

Monday, October 02, 2006

Wet, wet, wet

Sulphur Shelf 3...
Originally uploaded by kasmil.
It's been raining all weekend. Bertie and I went for a long walk on Friday in the birch woods and there were mushrooms everywhere. Huge white ones growing out of tree trunks; little yellow ones lining the paths and a whole tree that seemed to have been taken over by shrooms, sticking out from it at jaunty angles. Bertie found a massive puddle and swam around it like Alice and the creatures, swimming in her tears. The wood is so abundant - I feel blessed, blessed, blessed. I just don't usually appreciate where real abundance is located.