Friday, September 29, 2006

Spider and Blackberries

Spider and Blackberries
Originally uploaded by Sam Pehrson.
It's raining and I am worrying about organisation. I am worrying about how disorganised I am actually when it comes to my accounts. And I am also dying to escape and go and buy some wellies and walk in the rain. I have stacks of work to do and I should tidy the house but what I want to do is walk in the rain. It's 10 o'clock. Maybe what I will do is go and buy the wellies and walk. Later. But first I have to work. Or at least get some of it done.
There are spiders everywhere at the moment. Even crawling out of my accounts baskets into my accountant's home. I just read this: "Tarantulas (and all spiders) are the keepers of the primordial alphabet and can teach you how to write creatively. Her body is shaped like the number 8 and she has 8 legs, which is symbol of infinite possibilities of creation.
Her 8 legs represent the 4 winds of change and the 4 directions of the medicine wheel. Spider's message is that you are an infinite being who will continue to weave patterns of life and living throughout time. Do not fail to see the eternal plan of creation.
Those who weave magic with the written word usually have this totem."

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